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don't u bored to play always same game since years with his "i aim the feet/birds i head shot"
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 Post subject: lol, mavelle
PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 8:13 pm 
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I know it's long, but both me and dime hate mavelle, so it's pretty lawlerific for us. basically it's just me laughing at these stooges for taking ita ll for real. there's a few good quotes in there, i'll try to highlight them later.

ciao ciao

  • Agent137 > hey crew
    Evelyn Lavi > Hello
    Evelyn Lavi > That was bad... Mavelle, I can scrape up some isk to help you get back on your feet if you like.
    Mavelle > No.. I'm just.. giving up again. Screw it. At least it gave me back enough money for me to pay off my friend entirely.
    Evelyn Lavi > I really want to, just once, take it to these jerks. They're always in larger numbers, and seem to come out of nowhere.
    Agent137 > who? where?
    Snibblelo > eh, we were in otsasi
    Agent137 > got exploded?
    Snibblelo > got jumped by a gang of pirates, temptest, and umm.. didn't catch the other 3 ships, they were at least cruisers.
    Snibblelo > probabaly assault if I had to guess.
    Snibblelo > lost a tempest, and a dominix
    Agent137 > they disrupt your warp, or just blow you away so fast it didn't matter?
    Snibblelo > well, we gang warped out, but mavelle was too close to them when they warped in, and got multiple warp disrupts, so she didn't warp out with the rest of us.
    Snibblelo > I turned around and warped back hoping to scare them off, but she was already 90% gone by the time I got back, so then they got me.
    Agent137 > eww multiple disrupts
    Mavelle > Thakns for the try, but it doesn't matter anymore. I'm just quitting. I don't like PVP anyway and forced PVP like this.. No. My card's getting charged monday so I'm cancelling before they take more money from me.
    Snibblelo > we weren't there for a fight, we were in evac mode, which worked for most of us.
    Agent137 > hahah mave.
    Agent137 > go play guildwars
    Mavelle > Glad you find the loss of 90 mil ISK funny.
    Agent137 > hahah
    Agent137 > the internet is serious business

    Evelyn Lavi > Agent, shut up.
    Snibblelo > Mav, it's up to you what you want to do, i'm not going to try and talk you out of it. in lowsec unfortunately yeah, we are at a disadvantage, and shit like this is going to happen.
    Agent137 > in guildwars, it's all PvE
    Agent137 > it played it for awhile. it was pretty fun.
    Snibblelo > If you want to stay Mav, we'll help out as much as possible to get you back up on your feet.
    Agent137 > highly reccomended if you can't handle losing.
    Evelyn Lavi > It was a cesspool of "NEED MONK" spam.
    Snibblelo > Agent, i'm about to kick you out.
    Snibblelo > now is not the time to be making stupid jokes.
    Agent137 > snibb, i couldn't care less.

    Agent137 > i'm not being overly rude. she already said she doesn't like PvP
    Agent137 > if we're moving into low sec, ain't a lot for her to be doing out there unless she wants to be a industrial character.
    Mavelle > LISTEN, Agent. I've PLAYED Guild Wars. For one thing it's not 'ALL' PVP. There is total PVE encounter system, instanced spawning, of whole quests and other things.
    Evelyn Lavi > There's few things I hate more than that sort of attitude, Snibbs.
    Agent137 > i said it was all PvE, mave. thanks for reading
    Mavelle > You're wrong, again.
    Mavelle > There's a PVP tournament system as well.
    Mavelle > You can even make a dedicated PVP character that's been automatcally maxed out on elvels.
    Agent137 > and i played every damn quest and mission in guildwars, and the tournament is purely optional.
    Agent137 > and the PvP provides no bonuses to the PvE characters in anyway
    Agent137 > so it's perfect for people who don't want to lose to another person
    Mavelle > I do NOT mind 'losing to another person'. I do mind not being able to have a chance in **** in anything.
    Agent137 > you could have put more warp stablizers on your ship
    Agent137 > you could have traveled in a larger group
    Agent137 > lots of options.
    Evelyn Lavi > Nice attitude, Agent. Very nice. Do you slow down by car crashes and giggle, too?
    Agent137 > the internet is serious business!
    Evelyn Lavi > Repeating tiresome crap is very funny.

    Shelix Anakasian > Well, here's a different way to look at it Agent.
    Agent137 > you're the one that draw the lame comparison between a GAME and real life
    Shelix Anakasian > I don't have kids. I don't like kids. I don't like dealing with them in real life. I don't like taking my pleasurable time and being forced to deal with them.
    Shelix Anakasian > SO yes...the internet is serious business when my free time is reminiscent of being a teacher's aide to a kindegarten class.
    Shelix Anakasian > *shrug* That's a better outtake on it.
    Evelyn Lavi > We are what we bring with us. Freaks and wierdos are freaks and wierdos online. Sick, sad little pricks like you, Agent, are sick, sad little pricks in real life.
    Agent137 > LAWL
    Agent137 > hahahaha
    Agent137 > you guys are jokers.
    Agent137 > you really take this shit seriously. that's awesome.
    Agent137 > go play a real sport

    Shelix Anakasian > lawl...lemme put it another way. "jo0 5ux0rz @ l1f3 57up1d newbzor."
    Evelyn Lavi > Not really. But listening to you is reminiscent of the Barrens on World of Warcraft. I bet you're typing with one hand right now, jerkoff.
    Shelix Anakasian > Barrens chat. =p
    Shelix Anakasian > Scary thought there.
    Agent137 > hah, tell me again how I suck at liefe, even though YOU'RE the one taking a GAME seriously, and actually played WoW?
    Agent137 > i mean, damn, at least i was smart enough to stay the hell away from that.
    Evelyn Lavi > You're barely literate as it is. If you're an asshole here, there's no reason to believe you're any better in the "real" world.
    Shelix Anakasian > Agent, here's the truth of it. There comes a point in everyone's life where they realize that they are part of a larger society and work to integrate with the people around them. Your immaturity is infuriating because you haven't recognized that yet.
    Agent137 > how does my literacy factor into this?

    Agent137 > society? it's a GAME.
    Ed Fontana > Shelix FTW!
    Evelyn Lavi > Yep, because this is "just a game" its free liscence to be a stupid asshole.
    Evelyn Lavi > Right?
    Evelyn Lavi > Get lost, jerkoff.
    Agent137 > it's a free license to laugh at people who take a game seriously.
    Agent137 > you're the one making personal insults. who's the fine upstanding member of society now?
    Shelix Anakasian > Agent, it isn't your literacy, it is a plethora of signs that point to your devoid intellect and inability to work with a GAME. Its a stigma of the personality behind your character.
    Agent137 > again, I've made no personal attack throughout all this
    Shelix Anakasian > I don't like you because you feel the need to cut other people down to make yourself feel better. Most of us remember that sort of social interaction from the bullies in elementary school.
    Agent137 > so please, refrain from making empty accusations about my character.
    Shelix Anakasian > You made some very personal attacks against Mavelle.
    Agent137 > and how are you not attempting to cut me down now? where's the difference?
    Agent137 > mave said she didn't want to play anymore.
    Snibblelo > Guys, please take this chat private.
    Agent137 > i laughed.
    Shelix Anakasian > Personally, the whole "You're a peepee head" thing doesn't bother me. But seeing someone act like that does infuriate me. I never liked bullies, be it online or in real life.
    Agent137 > how is that making apersonal attack? again?
    Helios Sol > Agent137 leave this chat channel!
    Agent137 > wanna scroll up, helios?
    Shelix Anakasian > /emote mutes himself.
    Agent137 > i wasn't the first to make personal attacks, thanks.
    Helios Sol > I seen enough, you are done here
    Agent137 > go team
  • Snibblelo > Are we done here?
    Snibblelo > If everyone is through with the little war, i'd like to make a statement.
    Snibblelo > I'll take the silence as a yes.
    Evelyn Lavi > Yes, it was.
    Snibblelo > First off, this should have been in a private conversation, not spammed all over corp chat.
    Snibblelo > and I think that quite a bit of immaturity was shown by all those involved.
    Snibblelo > I am going to go over this chat log and give a recap to the officers of this corporation, to determine what exactly is going on.
    Snibblelo > We all want everyone here to get along, not squabble like children.
    Shelix Anakasian > Sorry if I was out of line. Sometimes its fun to mix it up.
    Snibblelo > I am not going to get angry, and go "ZOMG" and kick anyone out
    Shelix Anakasian > /emote mutes himself again.
    Snibblelo > I don't -want- to kick anyone out, even if I get p!ssed for a moment.
    Agent137 > don't u bored
    Snibblelo > Mav, I definately do not want to see you go, but I understand how you feel
    Snibblelo > bah, she left before I finished.
    Agent137 > she does that.
    Snibblelo > Anyway, I'm not exactly happen about what has just happened, there was absolutely no reason here for everyone to fly off the handle.
    Snibblelo > Agent, it wasn't very nice to laugh at Mav, but Eve, Shelix, neither one of you did very well at restraining yourselves either, a LOT was said here that should have not been.
    Shelix Anakasian > I didn't fly off the handle. :( I was rather calm and pointed. *mutes for real now*
    Shelix Anakasian > But sorry. :(
    Shelix Anakasian > Won't happen again.
    Snibblelo > yes, most of your comments are calm and pointed, but not exactly nice either way :-P
    Evelyn Lavi > I felt obligated to stick up for Mavelle. We need battleship captains like her. What we dont need is snarky, nihilist crap that amuses no one but the speaker.
    Evelyn Lavi > Yes, I know I flew off the handle. I apologize.
    Snibblelo > Thank you Eve, and Shelix.
    Agent137 > nihilist? you think so? i thought that only applied to real life.
    Snibblelo > That is all I have to say here, anything else will be circulated by mail, or private chat.
  • Snibblelo > Agent Shelix Eve, if you guys want to continue, please do so in a private chat, I don't think anyone else really needs to be involved, ok?
    Evelyn Lavi > I'm through. In fact, I'm taking the liberty of putting Agent on ignore. He never has anything worthwhile to say anyway.
    Agent137 > great teamwork, there.
    Agent137 > pout more please.

in a private chat, after the thrashing in corp finished:
  • Agent137 > heyo
    Ammelia > you seem to be the sort that won't mesh well with a mining corp like this one
    Ammelia > why do you stick around?
    Ammelia > not trying to get u to leave
    Agent137 > i wasn't informed we were a mining corp
    Ammelia > just curious
    Ammelia > lol yeah... we are...
    Ammelia > the CEO flies a barge...
    Ammelia > I fly a barge...
    Agent137 > The Rogue Traders are an aggressive group of merchants, <br>industrialists, and warriors intent upon controlling the blood <br>flow of our world. Their goal is quite simple: To overcome <br>any obstable that keeps trade from flowing.
    Agent137 > doesn't sound like a mining corp to me.
    Ammelia > blood = cash
    Ammelia > warriors = npc killing
    Ammelia > :)
    Agent137 > i'm not sure i follow your point.
    Ammelia > oh hell m8 i'm not sure i have one, i'm just talking...
    Agent137 > our goal: overcome obstacles that keep trade from flowing.
    Agent137 > i see us as very trade oriented, yes, but i also see us as a counter-point to pirates.
    Ammelia > ah ok i didn't know we were anti pirate... actively anyway
    Agent137 > i expect to see plenty of PvP duties once we move into O.O, mostly against pirates and other aggressors. I fit in fine with the goals of the organization.
    Agent137 > I just don't fit in well with whiny people who take this game far to seriously.
    Agent137 > i'll admit that.
    Ammelia > same
    Agent137 > and we have a few of those in our ranks.
    Ammelia > its a risk vs profit thing
    Ammelia > 1 less as of today
    Agent137 > But, by my nature of not giving a shit, I don't care of they whine. il just laugh and laugh
    Ammelia > works i suppose
    Agent137 > eventually, they'll either kick me and my crew out, or all the sniveling members will leave.
    Agent137 > either way, i'm not very intensely concerned.
    Agent137 > but yea, right now we're pretty heavy mining, but eventually i get the feel that we'll be setting up in 0.0 so that we can do some heavy trading and make lots of cash and roll in it
    Agent137 > which means we'll need a heavy anti-pirate, escort, scout component. A Fist, so to speak. that's what i'm here for.
    Ammelia > i suppose, pleasent talking with u
    Agent137 > yea, you too. cheers

We're all gonna die, but I got a helmet. ... nadie.html

Last edited by Agent_137 on Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:18 am, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 8:34 pm 
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lawl, and then this corp mail shortly afterwards:
  • 2006.07.01 23:19
    After losing my Tempest to odds that left me unable to do anything, to fight back or even escape.. I can't bring myself to continue playing. Going to lower security rating areas was the only thing left to do for me and having my ship unfairly destroyed in such a matter.. No.. The guy even tried to extort me for ISK, which I didn't have to pay him. There's no fun to me in a game where children can get their little sadistic fix's off of me, with no way for me to fight back or stop it. It's been a good time with you guys, short of Mr. Agent's childishness.

    Before I go, as a way to payback some of the help I received, I'm going to be dumping my hangar into the Pilot's Services Hanger for the corporation. Plenty of random stuff that may end up being useful, or not, I frankly lost the ability to even care. My account was on the verge of being refreshed on Monday, so frankly, just time to quit before I get charged for a month I might not end up playing anyway. Goodbye, all.

We're all gonna die, but I got a helmet. ... nadie.html

Last edited by Agent_137 on Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:19 am, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 8:55 pm 
come into the FUCKDOME
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 11:25 pm 
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agent i actually think that the only intelligent things came from you. most of those people were being idiots. mav was complaining about losing 90 mil. WHY WERE YOU WANDERING AROUND IN LOWSEC IN A 90 MIL ISK SHIP UNINSURED??? and then everyone else just overreacted to everything that was said. and i think we are a mining corp because too many people just care about mining all the time instead of killing people. weve tried to get lowsec pirate hunts and stuff started but a lot of the time it seems like its too hard to get people to go and then people get bored and leave before anything gets done. and im sure ammelia probably wouldnt think we were so much of a mining corp if she knew about the alts we are working on.


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PostPosted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 11:54 pm 
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Playin eve avoid intelect

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:33 am 
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thats one big lawl, but were you the pirates that destroyed her? cause that would have been awesome


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PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:11 am 
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wardryer: not yet.

We're all gonna die, but I got a helmet. ... nadie.html

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:11 am 
come into the FUCKDOME
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Playin eve avoid intelect
quote of the year

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:20 am 
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lawl, there, bolded for your pleasure and easy of reading.

i think i'm going to mark all these kiddies red in the Super Duper Happy Fun Sunshine Coalition, so we know which TRTS members to target when we "play" skirmish with them.

We're all gonna die, but I got a helmet. ... nadie.html

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:25 am 
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Playin eve avoid intelect
quote of the year


lawl@another asshatmav.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:57 am 
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I fucking wish I was on...then again...I woulda gotten me, and possibly the rest of us, kicked out of the corp, Dudermcfagass Style.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 4:41 am 
come into the FUCKDOME
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 12:35 pm 
resident debaucher

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sucks i wasnt there.

i would have posted the link to this picture.


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