crapy clawn forums

don't u bored to play always same game since years with his "i aim the feet/birds i head shot"
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 11:38 am 
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Joined: Thu May 19, 2005 9:20 am
Posts: 3783
thanks to dime for suggesting this game.

I'm making this thread for posterity and to have a place to put these protips I've been building up.

I'm loving this game. It's is designed to be hard. Planning your build, prioritizing targets on the ground, upgrading your equipment, knowing your enemy, accurate aiming, and teamwork are all critical at difficulties 6 and higher.

Suggested Upgrade Order for New Players
(Picking up 10 samples adds 1 research point. Ranking up adds 1 research point. Fully upgrading an item usually takes 3-6 research points)
  1. Breaker Shotgun (Cheap to upgrade, useful in every situation, and unlocked at Rank 2, gobbles up ammo.)
  2. Reinforce Stratagem (Drastically reduces cooldown which will save your team from having to restart a mission.)
  3. Peacemaker Pistol (It's the only sidearm without buying DLC. Switching to it is faster than reloading.)
  4. Ammo Resupply
  5. Save your research points as you unlock new items, get more familiar with the game, and come to understand what you want/need in your loadout.

Loadout Considerations and Priorities
  • Ammunition (laser weapon, resupply, or resupply backpack)
  • Anti-Armor (Probably need 2 per helldiver on difficulty 6+. Illuminates don't have heavy armor so replace with rapid-fire weapons and ordinance )
  • Area-Denial (Static field, incendiary bombs, etc.)
  • Wave Clear (Vindicator stratagem, Breaker shotgun, machine gun stratagem, etc.)
  • Defense/Mobility (jetpack on snow, shield vs illuminate mind-control and bug poison, etc.)
Loadout Tips
  • Check for redundancies in your priorities, e.g. jetpack + exosuit or breaker + machine gun.
  • Check for slot conflicts with packs and secondary weapons, e.g. shield + jetpack, machine gun + eat-17
  • Ensure that your perk complements the rest of your build, e.g. stratagem priority is wasted with single-use or low-cooldown stratagems and cardio and a jetpack wastes one of them.
  • Check the enemy type and planet type. Static and anti-tank stratagems are wasted against the illuminate and a snow planet requires a jetpack or exosuits and makes the cardio perk useless.

Non-Obvious Stuff
  • You can move the map around with your mouse and zoom with your scroll-wheel.
  • Jetpacking, using the map, or dialing in a stratagem cancels your reloading.
  • You can/should reload on the run.
  • There are an infinite amount of enemies so complete your objective and run away.
  • Always prioritize the enemies that call in reinforcements otherwise they will keep calling in more reinforcements and then you die.
  • If you shoot at an enemy and blue sparks fly off, it's because their heavy armor is blocking any damage from your weapon. So stop wasting bullets and kill the softer targets so your buddies with anti-tank stuff can kill the heavy armor.
  • "Destroy" objectives can be destroyed with anti-tank weapons, not just the hellbomb.
  • Illuminate "Destroy" objectives have shields that absorb even the hellbomb explosion so shoot down the shields then anti-tank/hellbomb the objective.
  • Anti-aircraft guns on cyborg maps block your stratagems from being called. You can kill them with anti-tank weapons (and presumably a hellbomb).
  • There are only 9 types of objectives so if you want to avoid learning on the job read the helldivers objectives entry on the wiki
  • None of the DLC is important to playing the game well, but if you have money to burn the best DLCs are Ranger for the Humblebee UAV, Terrain Specialist for the All Terrain Boots, and the Support Pack for the Sickle and Angel. Dime has all the DLC so ask him for more details.
  • Right-clicking in a exosuit fires your secondary weapon which is a very limited supply of missiles in the default exosuit. Exosuits turn very slowly so pay attention to where your barrel is facing.
  • You can throw stratagems from your exosuit and they always go about half the max throw distance.
  • You can/should call the reinforce stratagem when you are downed. If you die with it unthrown then you'll be included in the reinforce!
  • If you are on fire push space. You'll either dive to the ground or jetpack and both put it out.
  • You deploy with half of your max clips so resupply when you first drop planet side.
  • Vehicles can damage/kill you if they're moving even a little bit. Wait for them to fully stop.
  • Memorize the reinforce stratagem: up down right left up. W S D A W
  • The tentacles of the bug impaler can kill you in two swipes even if you're prone. Shoot the tentacles to make them go away temporarily.
  • You can use either your gun or grenade button to throw stratagem beacons, but avoid using the grenade trigger since if you get the code wrong you throw a grenade!
A build if you don't like having to stop shooting to call in stratagems:
  • Auto-injector Perk (Something to help keep you alive)
  • Breaker Shotgun (Good against all enemies and waves)
  • Jump Pack Stratagem (Fully upgraded it brings a spare for a teammate so they can bring more offense)
  • Rep-80 Stratagem (For healing teammates and exosuits and turrets)
  • Resupply Stratagem (For your breaker)
Playstyle: Ask a teammate who is bringing a jump pack or shield to bring anti-tank or area-denial instead and give them your spare jump pack. Call the jump packs and the rep-80 when you first land. Run around healing your teammates when they are hurt and mowing down enemies with the Breaker and your grenades. Jump away from heavily armored enemies so your teammates can kill them. Stay in the middle of your teammates so they can kill the patrols with their longer range weapons.

Bonus readings if you want more:
Loadout suggestions and Guide for Helldivers
Helldivers perk guide
Comprehensive helldivers guide
Helldivers tips and tricks page on wiki
official "everything you need to know" post on the helldiver subreddit

We're all gonna die, but I got a helmet. ... nadie.html

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